Our Cause

At Bee-Dazzled Cleaning Services, we’re committed to more than cleanliness – we’re dedicated to making homes safe for everyone. Our mission includes raising awareness and supporting survivors of domestic abuse and individuals facing homelessness.

Domestic violence statistics: Every 9 seconds, a woman experiences abuse. 1 in 3 women will face abuse in her lifetime. 460,000 California women face abuse. 50% of homeless women and children flee domestic violence. 10 million children witness domestic violence annually.

Every year, 10 million children witness domestic violence, an experience that deeply affects their well-being and development. Over 50% of homeless women and children are fleeing domestic violence, illustrating the link between abuse and homelessness. According to the California Violence Experiences Survey (CalVEX), more than 460,000 women in California experienced physical or sexual abuse from a partner within the last year alone, while more than half of California women will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime. This cycle of violence has severe consequences, leading to greater risks of depression, anxiety, suicidality, and homelessness among survivors.

This domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and SA combined. The connection between domestic violence and homelessness is clear: over 50% of America’s homeless women and children are escaping abuse. Tragically, families with children are the fastest-growing group within the homeless population. In fact, children under 18 make up 27% of the homeless population. Each individual facing homelessness has unique needs, from affordable housing to access to mental health services and support from caring communities.

To learn more about the impact of intimate partner violence on health and homelessness, you can view the study led by Anita Raj, executive director of Newcomb Institute, here: Read the article

About Bee’s Honeycomb

Bee’s Honeycomb understands that a lot of these numbers are the direct result of domestic abuse. We feel that every woman should feel safe in her home and in the peace of mind that she can have a safe environment to raise her children. As of late, some states are trying to lessen the punishment for domestic abuse and possibly eliminate it altogether. No one should have to suffer abuse be it woman, child or man.

Bee’s Honeycomb wants to do what we can to support this cause. October is DV awareness month for this month we will donate a percentage of each cleaning job we pick up. These funds will go into “Bee’s Honeycomb” and will be donated to various charities and safe houses. Stay on the lookout for upcoming community events and fund raisers throughout the year.


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